Jan 20, 2019

Get all Gravity Forms with CSS Class

The functions below can be used to get a list of all Gravity Forms whose fields have a specific CSS class:

 * Get a list of Gravity Forms whose fields have a CSS class.
 * @param string $css_class The CSS class to search for.
 * @return array The list of forms in this format: [<form ID> - <form title>] => <array of fields that have CSS class>
function get_gravity_forms_with_css_class( $css_class ) {
	return array_reduce( GFAPI::get_forms(), function( $forms_with_css_class, $form ) use ( $css_class ) {
		$fields_with_class = get_gravity_form_fields_with_css_class( $form, $css_class );

		if ( $fields_with_class ) {
			$forms_with_css_class[ "{$form['id']} - {$form['title']}" ] = $fields_with_class;

		return $forms_with_css_class;
	}, [] );

 * Get all fields in a Gravity Form that have a CSS class.
 * @param  array  $form      The Gravity Form data.
 * @param  string $css_class The CSS class to search for.
 * @return array  Fields that have the CSS class or empty array if none.
function get_gravity_form_fields_with_css_class( $form, $css_class ) {
	return array_filter( $form['fields'], function( $field ) use ( $css_class ) {
		return in_array( $css_class, explode( ' ', $field->cssClass ), true );
	} );

Calling the first function looks like get_gravity_forms_with_css_class( 'list-users2' ) and the results it returns look like this:

Get Gravity Forms with CSS Class

The keys of the array include the form ID and title. Each value is an array of all the fields within that form that have the CSS class.