Nov 3, 2015

Display WooThemes Testimonials Avatar before Quote

By default, the WooThemes Testimonials WordPress plugin displays the quote, then the avatar (authorโ€™s image), then the attribution (name, title and url). You can use the following filter to display the avatar before the quote:

function qc_change_testimonial_element_order( $tpl ) {

	$tpl = str_replace( '<blockquote class="testimonials-text" itemprop="reviewBody">%%TEXT%%</blockquote>%%AVATAR%% %%AUTHOR%%</div>', '%%AVATAR%%<blockquote class="testimonials-text" itemprop="reviewBody">%%TEXT%%</blockquote>%%AUTHOR%%</div>', $tpl );

	return $tpl;
add_filter( 'woothemes_testimonials_item_template', 'qc_change_testimonial_element_order' );

You can also change the order of the attribution in relation to the avatar and quote using this same filter.