Sep 29, 2015

Bundle Load Testing with a Project

If you need to be able to run load tests on a project, but don’t want each developer to have to install something like Siege on their own computers in order to run them, you’ve come to the right place. I’ll outline how to bundle load testing functionality with a project. We’ll make use of an open source node.js package: loadtest. These steps assume you have node.js installed.

  1. Run npm init and create a package.json file at the root of your project. Run npm i --save-dev loadtest and add loadtest as a dev dependency.
"devDependencies": {
    "loadtest": "*"
  1. Create a symbolic link in the root of your project so that the loadtest command can be run from there.

ln -s ./node_modules/loadtest/bin/loadtest.js loadtest

Now anybody working on the project just needs to run npm install, then they can run load testing commands such as this: loadtest -c 100 -t 10

Full documentation for loadtest is here: